

Immobilienmaklerin / Realtor Associate -- Heidi Bertucci

Immobilienmaklerin / Realtor Associate -- Petra "Chitanaa" Zoeller (Maui)


Immobilienmakler / Realtor Associate -- Gerald Mandl (Big Island)


Internet Marketing -- Daniel Hildebrandt


Anwalt / Lawyer --  Lars Peterson


Anwalt / Lawyer (immigration)  --  Petra Korn (L.A.)


Property Managemant | Vacation Rentals -- Christian & Pascal Brandalise


Tranaslation Services -- Heike Knutsen


Translators & Tutors



Medical - Frauenarzt / OBGYN -- Andrea Wieland, APRN-FNP-C


Medical Office / Sleep Center -- Dr. Gabriele M. Barthlen (Oahu, Big Island & Guam)


Please Contact Us for any corrections or to remove your listing.

The German Club Hawaii is in no position at this point to verify the business information and character of everyone in this listing and can not be held responsible for their actions or business dealings. Trust and verify.