
Das Expertenverzeichnis


Our directory of German - Businesses, Services and Professions

To advertise please fill out the   Online Listing Application   and email a picture to: 

 Eventually we want to see the infomation published in our "Expertenbuch" 

Of course we reserve the right to decide who and what will be published.







Food - Paradise Brats -- Antje Gruenewald                            


Food/Take Out - The Fresh Garden Deli -- Susanne Kirsch


Hawaii Reise Tipps -- Daniel Hildebrandt


Travel to Hawaii -- Brigitte Baccus


Hawaiian Edu-tainment -- Kū Kahakalau


Healthy Moves -- Eva Geueke


Hochzeitsplaner/Wedding Design -- Manina Mestas


Hochzeitsplaner/Wedding Planner Design -- Patricia Thumann


Hochzeitsplaner/Wedding Planner & Coordinator -- Diana Brown (Maui)


Immobilienmaklerin / Realtor Associate -- Heidi Bertucci


Immobilienmakler / Realtor Associate -- Gerald Mandl (Big Island)

Immobilienmaklerin / Realtor Associate -- Chetanaa Petra Zoeller (Maui)


Information Technology / Network Solutions -- Matthias Busch


Internet Marketing -- Daniel Hildebrandt


Massage Therapy (Ger. Heilpraktikerin) -- Ulla Meyerhof


Medical - Frauenarzt / OBGYN -- Andrea Wieland, APRN-FNP-C


Medical Office / Sleep Center -- Dr. Gabriele M. Barthlen (Oahu, Big Island & Guam)

Mobile Accessories von Juicies -- Laurens Laudowicz


Musician, Creative Life Artist, Child Care -- Lucie Völcker Lynch


Orthopedic Surgical Instruments --  Holger Gruenert


Photography: Underwater  / Production Company -- Martina Wing (Big Island)


Printing -- Manfred Nagel




Property Managemant | Vacation Rentals -- Christian & Pascal Brandalise


Schreiner / Fine Woodworking -- Gerhard Osterberger


Schule: Little Gardeners Pre-school -- Eva Keusen Dayao


Schule: Karate -- Manfred Nagel


Schule: Taekwondo -- David Ippen


Tischler / Furniture Manufacturer -- Thorben Wuttke


Tranaslation Services -- Heike Knutsen


Translators & Tutors


Tutor - German Tutoring -- Bibiana Ostheimer Potter




University of Hawaii Cancer Center - Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine -- Gertraud Maskarinec


University of Hawaii Cancer Center - Pharmacist and Analytical Chemist -- Adrian Franke


Vermögensberatung / Versicherung -- 

Finanzberatung/Financial Advisor


Web Technology Agency / IT Consulting -- Dr. Simone Kirstein und Dennis Jost


Zahnarzt / Dentist (& Heilpraktiker) -- Dr. Bogdan C. Rosala DDS PhD

Please Contact Us for any corrections or to remove your listing.

The German Club Hawaii is in no position at this point to verify the business information and character of everyone in this listing and can not be held responsible for their actions or business dealings. Trust and verify.

I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.