Healthy Moves

Feldenkrais® Therapist, Qigong Teacher, Professional Contemporary Dance Teacher, Coach 


Eva Geueke

Kamuela Ave ( Kapahulu)


Still and Moving Center

1024 Queen St.( Kaka'ako)


Open: 7 days of the week

German Speaking

The Feldenkrais® Method has become very popular in Germany in the last 20 years as it is effective and gentle. It uses the mind to change the body. 

The changes can be felt in the mind-  relaxation instead of anxiety and clearer thinking - as well as in flexibility, strength and health of the body.

Eva Geueke teaches alternatives to movement and behavior patterns that make movement and life difficult and where injury occurs.

The Feldenkrais Method is a very clever and sophisticated method developed my Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. Eliminating effort in one’s movement by sensing accurately what one does is a new kind of challenge. Therefor Feldenkrais is less exercise based but improvement happens through learning, sensing and smart re-patterning with specific movement combinations.

Eva has 30 years of experience and a high success rate with a variety of issues:

Eva works with a wide variety of population from the elderly to infants and children. One of her specialties are children with neurological disorders and delayed development.  She also coaches dancers, musicians and sports people. Eva does one on one 'Hands on’ Feldenkrais sessions called Functional Integration® as well as classes called Awareness through Movement ® . She maintains a practice in Oahu, Maui and also teaches in Cologne, Germany. Please check her website for more info: or the Feldenkrais Guild For her classes and workshops in Honolulu go to

Ongoing classes at Still and Moving Center:

Feldenkrais Saturdays 10 am

Feldenkrais meets Qigong 9:30-10:45 am Tuesday and Friday